Protecting against cyber attacks (data security)
Vigilant cyber solutions
Your organisation is dependent on the safety of your data. The storing, access, use and management of your sensitive data requires a cautious policy that will ensure protection from malign actors. Our cyber safety policy will ensure that your data is safe but can still assimilate into existing functions, seamlessly.
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Impressed by the experience and specialism of the team.
We are very happy with the team's delivery of our projects.
Education is one of our key pillars and salient throughout our approach to data safety. We do not just want to manage your data security, we want to give you the tools necessary to manage data safely yourselves. Throughout training, your organisation will build a fundamental understanding around data storage, data migration, unauthorised access, modification and deletion, allowing you to build cyber resilience well into the future.
Resilient storage
Networks and information systems critical for the operation of essential functions will be protected from cyber attacks following the culmination of our service. You will be left with an organisation-wide understanding of the risks that endanger your essential functions. This knowledge will inform the use of robust and reliable protective security measures, to effectively limit opportunities for attackers to compromise networks. We will also support you in:
- Secure configuration of network and information systems
- Creating and implementing total vulnerability management capabilities
- Enforcing operation restoration and management, through design, planning and exercising
- Ensuring systems are appropriately designed, segregated, protected, and available
- Developing a cyber security culture, organisation-wide
- Ensuring that the people who support the operation of your essential functions are appropriately trained and capable in cyber security

Our way of working
Pionen utilises a variety of methodologies, dependent on the project requirements. Most commonly, we utilise Prince 2, Waterfall, Scrum, Agile and ITIL, but our service and experience are not limited to these methods. All methodologies are underpinned with experience of the GDS Service manual. Pionen are committed to providing attentive and diligent cyber security. We are empathetic to all public sector needs, and pragmatic in our approach.
We are determined to provide our clients with vigilant and effective solutions and will always convey our operations with clarity.
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